For those who are missing fresh installments of my semi-humorous wit, I’m now contributing a cartoon biweekly (one panel, drawn instead of sourced) at Public Square Magazine.

So here’s what happened: I took November 2020 off from CheapCaffeine to do NaNoWriMo. (I didn’t win, but I wasn’t planning to.) But here’s the thing: I really, really want to get back into fiction-writing. And the only time that my body and brain align to make it possible is for the hour in the morning that I otherwise would be putting together the day’s CheapCaffeine comic.
So I think I’m going to hold the comic in abeyance for a while. Maybe I’ll post a new comic when I get a good idea that can’t wait (instead of staring at public domain drawings thinking, “Could these people be saying anything funny?”). Maybe I’ll give up the fiction schedule in a couple of weeks. Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.
Anyway. Enjoy further the barrage of blasts from the past. The future belongs to the caffeinated.
Tomorrow is a state holiday here, so Imma take today and tomorrow off. Summertime!
So i’m gonna take the day off! And I can do that, because nobody else is the boss of me.