Coming soon: #200!

If my math is correct, then next Wednesday, October 16th, will see the publication of the 200th CheapCaffeine strip! In honor of this ever-so-momentous occasion, I declare next Wednesday to be “Everybody Tell Everybody About Day!”  That’s right, do your friends and family the favor of sharing with them the particular surreal humor of CheapCaffeine in its handy daily doses! Tweet it, Facebook it, Pinterest and LinkedIn and Googleplus it, use other proper nouns that have somehow become verbs! They’ll appreciate it forever — and if they don’t, well, do you really want to be associated with them? Think about that, really.

So don’t be some pseudo-hipster, keeping knowledge of this comic all to yourself so you can tell everyone, “I really like this webcomic that you’ve probably never heard of…” Be the Johnny Appleseed of! Be the Annunciation Angels! Be the Typhoid Mary!

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