The summer caesura!

I hadn’t planned to take a summer vacation from the comic, but with several events probably overlapping through July, it simply makes sense. See you with new comics in August!

July special event!

I’m not going to produce any new comics through July; there’s another project which I’ve only gotten to in fits and starts, and it’s languishing from lack of attention. (In other words, this novel is not writing itself. The nerve!)

However, not to leave you caffeine-less, I’ll be post the “Summer Re-Heat”: Scattered previous comics which I think deserve a revisit because I’m dang funny.  Enjoy!

Means of dispersion.

By the way, CheapCaffeine is now available through Tumblr; I hear that’s what all the cool teenieboppers like.  (Because the comics are posted as “comics,” not as posts or pages, I can’t do a full historical export from WordPress to Tumblr, but current comics starting about a week ago are mirrored there.)

No comic today…

Everything on my computer was acting glitchy, and after 45 minutes of work in PhotoShop it black-screened, necessitating a shutdown and losing all my work.

(It wasn’t that funny anyway.)